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Lilliput Premier Elementary School

Our Vision

We always say — Lilliput is different. And it is true that we always intend to be different for positive reasons. We are very much clear that the way we follow in making young children learn is different from others.

On one side, we cannot give up the core academic curriculum and on the other side, we are fully aware that Academic Excellence can yield better if, and only if, practical exercises for value education are blended with it. So, a child being in Lilliput is simply supposed to get sound bending of Core Curriculum and Value Education. The moral lesson that primary level children learn remains an enduring attitude during their whole life.

We, by the beginning of 2023, wish to become a Unique Academic Center in a town renowned for value Education, Practical Exercise, and Core Academic excellence.

We have a longer-term Resource deployment plan to make it happen and we know, with the strong support of our valued parents on our dogged persuasion intended to share their little darlings, we shall be able to make you all feel valued for being Lilliput Parents.